An Eggless Carrot - Walnut Cake - The Solution for the Sadness
Winter in India and the garden - fresh fruits and vegetables go hand in hand. Come winter and you are greeted with colourful diversities of beans & leafy veggies, crisp turnips, beets, carrots & radishes, refreshing capsicums, cabbages & cauliflowers, the spring onions, the broccoli.. the list continues. Yes, winter in this part of the world is not all that harsh. Instead its about monkey caps, lep - kombol ( extremely soft and heavy blankets ), nolen - gur , oranges and room heaters. To get an idea about our kind of winters, do read this . Now imagine, while you are in the middle of all those cosy, snuggly mornings, sipping the first caffeine of the day from under that warm blanket, staring out through the windows at the foggy skies and you start fantasizing about experimentation with all those fresh produce, promoting your kitchen lab to another level and all of a sudden you're awakened by the local sabji - wallah' s ( local vegetab...